You can purchase the RS9 Vampir from our authorized representatives for Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina:
For information on pricing of the pistol, you can contact the phone numbers of our registered dealers listed on the site.
The required documentation for the purchase of a handgun depends on the place of residence.
Please obtain the necessary permits before purchasing (for the acquisition and permission to operate and hold firearms).
All standard 9 mm caliber ammunition can be used for the RS9 Vampir, in accordance with the CIP and SAAMI Standards.
Ammunition for the RS9 Vampir can be found in all retail outlets selling the RS9 Vampir as well as in all authorized hunting equipment and weapons stores.
In the case with to the handgun are::
The RS9 Vampir has a Picatinny MIL-STD-1913, accordingly, all accessories that fit this rail can be mounted, such as a flashlight and a laser sight
The RS9 Vampir pistol requires regular maintenance. In case of mechanical failure, it is necessary to contact the official distributor so that the RS9 Vampire pistol can be inspected and sent for service.
3 years on plastic parts and surface protection.
5 years on metal parts
RS9 Vampir pistol needs to be brought into the retail facility where it was purchased, and further requirements and steps will be defined on the spot, depending on the extent of the fault and the identified problem.
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Proper maintenance is necessary for optimal safety and efficiency of the RS9 Vampir pistol! Performing maintenance is the owner’s best opportunity for inspecting the pistol and its parts for excessive wear or tear or potential damage.
An unmaintained firearm becomes less reliable and can have harmful consequences in the event of a malfunction occurring during use of the pistol.
If performed correctly and consistently, the whole cleaning process reinforces your safe weapons handling techniques that will serve you well in all situations. Be sure to read the user manual for proper disassembling and reassembling of your pistol.
If there is a malfunction, contact the retailer from where you purchased your RS9 Vampir pistol.
Pravilno održavanje је neophodno za optimalnu sigurnost i efikasnost RS9 Vampir pištolja!
Izvođenje održavanja je najbolja šansa vlasnika da pregleda pištolj i njegove delove na prekomerno habanje ili unutrašnje lomljenje.
Neodržavano vatreno oružje postaje sve manje pouzdano i može imati štetne posledice ako u bilo kom slučaju dođe do kvara kada koristite pištolj.
Ako se pravilno i dosledno izvede, čitav postupak čišćenja pojačava vaše bezbedne tehnike rukovanja oružjem koje će vam dobro služiti u svim situacijama. Obavezno pročitajte korisnički priručnik za pravilno rastavljanje i ponovno sastavljanje vašeg pištolja.
Ukoliko ipak dođje do kvara, obratite se maloprodajnom objektu u kojem ste kupili vaš RS9 Vampir pištolj.
Pravilno održavanje је neophodno za optimalnu sigurnost i efikasnost RS9 Vampir pištolja!
Izvođenje održavanja je najbolja šansa vlasnika da pregleda pištolj i njegove delove na prekomerno habanje ili unutrašnje lomljenje.
Neodržavano vatreno oružje postaje sve manje pouzdano i može imati štetne posledice ako u bilo kom slučaju dođe do kvara kada koristite pištolj.
Ako se pravilno i dosledno izvede, čitav postupak čišćenja pojačava vaše bezbedne tehnike rukovanja oružjem koje će vam dobro služiti u svim situacijama. Obavezno pročitajte korisnički priručnik za pravilno rastavljanje i ponovno sastavljanje vašeg pištolja.
Ukoliko ipak dođje do kvara, obratite se maloprodajnom objektu u kojem ste kupili vaš RS9 Vampir pištolj.